The Skillie Project, an initiative of The Billfish Foundation, is dedicated to advancing the conservation of Nantucket’s beloved White Marlin population by partnering with the local community and using satellite tagging data to gain a better understanding of their migratory patterns and support effective management strategies.
The goal of The Skillie Project is to gain a better understanding of the White Marlin (“Skillie”) population off the coast of New England, focusing on their migratory patterns, habitat use, and population dynamics. By leveraging satellite tag data and scientific research, in partnership with The University of Maine, The Skillie Project aims to inform and drive effective conservation strategies, support sustainable fisheries management, and foster greater public awareness of the importance of protecting one of Nantucket’s most-prized game fish.
Involving local captains, fishery pioneers, and the greater fishing communities of southeastern New England, The Skillie Project marks The Billfish Foundation’s largest White Marlin satellite tagging mission.
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